What's Included?

Adults caring for girls can use these lessons to teach them (or learn together!) about brain development, emotions, problem-solving, and decision-making with video lessons that include interactive games and activities. Students will learn how thoughts lead to feelings and reactions and how to manage unhelpful thoughts, stress, and anxiety by practicing cognitive reframing and coping strategies.

. Brain development

. Emotional expression and management

. Coping with stress and disappointment

. Recognizing depression and anxiety

. Recognizing when someone needs help and how to get it

. Identifying trusted adults

. Problem-solving

. Decision-making and more!

It is highly recommended that women teach these lessons.


Introductory Rate: $150

Your purchase provides a license for one youth-serving professional or parent, or one parent or community group, to use Section 2 sessions of PowerUp Girls for Life with one group of girls in one location for one year. Purchase confirms that you have read and agree to the nonprofit Youth Empowerment Group's Terms of Use. YEG would greatly appreciate you completing an online anonymous survey which will be emailed to you in the future even if you opt out of YEG news and promotional emails.

Start-Up Guide for Leaders of PowerUp Girls for Life

This start-up guide for instructors and helpers provides written information and a video tutorial that overviews session structure and accompanying documents. It provides tips for teaching these plug-and-play lessons (sessions) with ease while creating meaningful, positive culture-building experiences. 

Session 4: Brain Development Basics   

Investigates how and why brains remodel at their ages, what brains do in general, and the functions of parts that change. Introduces use it or lose it brain connection types and good connections to set goals for making while young. Portrays the sensitivity of the brain to permanent changes during remodeling, and how to protect their developing brains by limiting harmful exposures such as substances and maximizing good exposures such as positive social interactions. 

Session 5: Feelings, Actions, and Thoughts: Check Your Thoughts!    

Clarifies why all emotions are normal and OK but need to be managed to work for us. How to measure, recognize, and manage intense emotions and the triggers that lead to them. Reveals the connection sequence between events, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors: thoughts determine feelings and reactions to an event, but thoughts can be inaccurate and unhelpful. Covers types of thinking errors that cause stress, over- or underreactions, or unhelpful reactions and how to check and change unrealistic or inaccurate thoughts for best results. 

Session 6: Depression, Anxiety, and Why Self-Harm Happens    

Explains sadness versus depression, feeling anxious versus having anxiety that interferes with life, the common nature of these problems, and why self-harm including dying by suicide happens sometimes. Encourages use of trusted adults and resources (given to students and parents). Gives warning signs of needing help and reinforces that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Teaches multiple ways to manage anxiety. Reassures there are always better solutions for distress than self-harm, and that help is available.

Session 7: PowerUp Your Coping Skills for Stress   

Validates that feeling stressed is normal and common. Defines coping as a learned skill and explains how it feeds resilience, optimism, happiness, and success. Provides ways to manage stress such as using support people, emotional control, self-care, healthy media, planning, and choices as well as avoiding things that harm coping. Reminds youth to check their thoughts when stressed because they may be thinking things that aren’t accurate, causing unnecessary stress.

Session 8: How Media and Substances Affect Coping and Decision-Making    

Defines media and explains how media including social media can help or harm feelings, behaviors, and coping with stress. Examines how the substances alcohol, marijuana, narcotics, and vaping can harm coping, motivation, learning, decision making, and mental and physical health and explains addiction. 

Session 9: When and How to Get Help for Yourself or Others    

Specifies how students can recognize when they or other people are not coping well enough and need help, and how to get help. Reveals how to recognize warning signs that someone is dangerous to self or others and what to do about it including suicide and school violence prevention measures. Provides resources and hopeful, empowering messages.

Session 10: PowerUp  Decision Making and Problem Solving 

Explores factors that make it easier or harder to handle common problems and difficult situations such as being pressured by peers, concerned about a family member, worried about school, or lonely. Describes decision making and problem solving as two crucial life skills that feed happiness, confidence, and success while reducing stress. Explains how to make decisions and determine what to do about problems by using YEG’s 5-Step Decision Problem Tool which includes weighing pros and cons, considering consequences for self and others, and evaluating and learning from results.


Available as part of the evidence-based, innovative PowerUp Girls for Life Program


About the Youth Empowerment Group


The nonprofit Youth Empowerment Group (YEG) is comprised of volunteer professionals in mental health, education, and medicine in Colorado.

After creating their premier PowerUp Girls for Life program in 2018, YEG expanded to produce a new parallel, innovative video-based mental and social health life skill curriculum (or program) for 4th through 12th-grade boys and girls named PowerUp.

YEG also reproduced this enhanced video-based version of PowerUp Girls for Life.

Youth Empowerment Group's nonprofit mission

To promote mental, behavioral, and social health, equality, personal and school safety, healthy relationships, and academic and life success in youth by creating and providing easy-to-use, engaging, evidence-based life skill curriculums to schools, youth organizations, community groups, and families.