What's Included?

Lessons that teach what bullying is and is not, how it's different than teasing, why no one deserves or causes being cruelly mistreated by bullying, and the value of telling. Explores qualities of youth who bully others compared to those who don't and outcomes of kids who bully and are bullied and encourages getting professional help. Covers how bystanders can help minimize bullying and cyberbullying harm and prevent it. Empowers students to support bullied youth with empathy and safely stand up for themselves and others. (This reproduced section is complete except for Session 19 which will added in April.)

Also teaches girls boundaries of safe touch with protective and preventive measures against sexual assault. Girls learn what consent for touching means and when it is and is not possible to give. Uses basic grade school definitions of unsafe touch.

. What bullying and cyberbullying are and why they happen

. Deflection actions to use with kids who bully

. Effective bystander actions

. Safe touch boundaries and assault safety measures using basic definitions

. And more!

It is strongly recommended that women teach these lessons for safety and effectiveness.


Introductory Rate: $150

Your purchase provides a license for one youth-serving professional or parent, or one parent or community group, to use Section 4 of PowerUp Girls for Life with one group of girls in one location for one year. Purchase confirms that you have read and agree to the nonprofit Youth Empowerment Group's Terms of Use. YEG would greatly appreciate you completing an online anonymous survey which will be emailed to you in the future even if you opt out of YEG news and promotional emails.

Start-Up Guide for Instructors of PowerUp Girls for Life

This start-up guide for instructors and helpers provides written information and a video tutorial that overviews session structure and accompanying documents. It provides tips for teaching these plug-and-play lessons (sessions) with ease while creating meaningful, positive culture-building experiences. 

Session 17:  The Who, What, Where, When, How, and Whys of Bullying   

Clarifies how to recognize bullying versus teasing, types of harm caused, and methods used. Introduces the roles people play in events and investigates who tends to get bullied, who tends to engage in bullying and why, and what can happen to them when they get or don’t get help. 

Session 18: Stopping Bullies When They Mess with You 

Briefly reviews the definition of bullying and provides reasons for kids to get support and advice for handling it from trusted adults. Gives methods to try when encountering bullying face-to-face or online and compares things to avoid because they can make things worse. Specifies personal protective actions against cyberbullying.

Session 19: PowerUp Your Bullying Bystander Actions

[Available April 2024]

Delves into being a bystander of bullying, the different effects it can have depending on actions taken, and how witnesses can greatly help youth who are bullied. Empowers effective bystander action by providing options to fit students’ comfort level and how well they know a child engaging in bullying. Provides the opportunity for students to discuss and devise a plan for handling bullying or preventing its harm as a group.

Session 20: Boundaries of Safe Touch

[For 5th grade and up at your discretion]  

Empowers girls to believe they deserve control over their bodies. Defines safe and unsafe touch in very basic terms, as well as sexual activity (two people touching private areas with permission), what consent is, and when consent is not possible. Gives a basic definition of sexual assault (touching private areas without permission or when consent isn’t possible), explains it’s never a victim’s fault, and gives ways to prevent it by avoiding higher-risk situations along with very basic defensive measures.

Use the full innovative PowerUp Girls for Life Program of 27 sessions for maximum impact